A Home Inspection We Performed in Latham NY
Why you should make sure all components of a home are inspected.
Usually, my blogs consist of home inspections and topics related to construction science. I decided to write a blog about a home inspection we performed in Latham NY.
Typically, home inspections performed in Latham do not reveal as many major home inspection defects. Most of the real estate located in Latham is kept in generally good condition when compared to other areas.
On February 27th, 2022, we performed a home inspection on an all-brick ranch home with a hip roof right after the snowstorm that hit the capital district right before the home inspection. The entire roof was covered in snow and the attic was not accessible during the home inspection. Overall, the Latham home was in excellent condition – just walking through the newly renovated home (5 years prior) you can feel the quality of the work that was performed. You can tell this wasn't a quick flip.
The home inspection went very well! The only defects discovered were general maintenance issues such as flaking paint, rusted handrails, loose damper fireplace handle and deteriorated fireplace mortar joints (we discovered during our chimney inspection), untreated lumber, loose sewer cap (we discovered performing a sewer scope inspection) and minor pool inspection defects.
The clients were ecstatic that one, their offer was accepted and two, the home was in overall excellent condition. They were so excited and happy with the overall condition of the property that they initially were not worried about the roof or attic and planned on skipping that portion of the home inspection.
After a couple of days passed, we received a phone call from the clients advising they would like us to return to the home in Latham NY to check the overall condition of the roof and the attic. The owner created attic access and made the attic accessible.
We returned to the home to finish the home inspection of the attic and roof. The attic contained a ton of mold due to inadequate ventilation, multiple leaks and the bathroom vent fan venting into the attic. A mold assessment was performed, and the home inspection report was updated with the newfound deficiencies. The sellers resolved the major concerns that were discovered during the re-inspection and the buyers were happy. All in all, everything worked out.

Always make sure all components and systems of a home are inspected. A home inspection is a visual inspection of the system and components of the home. The roof and attic should always be inspected.
Call Us Today to Schedule Your Home Inspection. Or Book Online.