Important Home Inspection Services for Home Buyers
Buying a home can be overwhelming, but we're here to help. We've outlined key services to consider, tailored to the specific features of each property. Browse the options below to see which services might be right for you and why.
Click on the title above each service description or blog links at the end of the description for additional educational contention about each service.
Each home inspection includes a complimentary visual inspection for mold and pests.

Typically, it is recommended to test every home for radon regardless if the basement is habitable space or not. Radon testing is strongly advised if you have a finished basement or plan to finish your basement. Radon usually accumulates on the lowest floor, although it can also enter the first-floor living area. Homes that are built on slabs are less likely to contain elevated radon levels. Slab structures that contain under ground HVAC vents may pull radon gas into the structure. Homes that contain a crawlspace should have testing done. A home built on a crawlspace is in close proximity to the soil. Usually, a concrete slab is not present which allows the radon gases to make its way directly into the home. Radon mitigation systems can cost $1,500 - $3,000 +/-. The installation of a radon mitigation system is fairly simple and typically consists of 1 suction point installed in the basement floor along with a fan to pull the radon gases from below the slab before the radon gas enters the structure. The hole that is created is about the size of a sump pump pit. A 4" plastic (pvc) pipe distributes the radon gases to the exterior with the help of a fan. Basements that are larger in size may require 2 suction points.

Sewer Scope inspections are recommended during the home inspection processes, as the cost of a sewer line can cost as much or exceed the cost of replacing any other major system such as the roof, heating system etc. A buyer should definitely consider a sewer scope if there are trees or driveways located above the sewer line. Roots can penetrate the drain line as well as heavy vehicles may crush or restrict the sewer line over time. All homes should have a sewer scope inspection performed during the home inspection. A failed exterior sewer line can cost $6000-$18,000 +/-. The replacement of a sewer line consists of excavating the home components that are installed above ground such as the soil, gardens, patios, walkways, driveways etc.
Homes typically in city areas that sit back 10' from the street tend to cost around $7500. Homes in suburban areas or where the home sits back 30', 40', or 50' before the sewer line distributes waste water to a septic tank or city lateral can cost upwards to $15,000 +/-. Building back excavated components such as walkways, patios, driveways can increase the cost. The condition of the sewer line should be evaluated by your home inspector during the home inspection process.
Check out our sewer scope blog to learn more about the importance of a sewer scope inspection.

All homes that have a well water source should have the well tested for the well flow and well quality during the home inspection. The well flow determines if the well can provide adequate water and does not dry up during day to day usage. The BASIC well quality test known as the "short form" or "FHA test" checks for coliform, e. coli, lead, nitrates, nitrites, ph levels & turbidity. Comprehensive testing can detect metals, VOCs, and other harmful substances in well water. Your home inspector will collect samples and ship them out to a certified lab for testing. The replacement cost of a well that fails the well flow test and cannot produce enough water for day to day usage can cost upwards to $13,000-$20,000 +/-. Well water that fails the well quality test and contain harmful substances may be treated. Sometimes a simple shocking of the well and re-testing is needed. Serious contamination of a well will require water filtration systems. Water filtration systems can effectively address contaminants in well water and enhance its taste and reduce unpleasant odors, leading to improved drinking quality. There are two main types of filtration systems available for well water: point-of-use systems and whole-house systems. The method of correction for poor well water quality depends on the contaminate found. Well filtration systems can cost $4000- $7500 +/-. Buyers should never pass up on a well flow test & well quality test during the home inspection process.
Check out our blog on well shocking.

Homes with fireplaces should undergo a chimney inspection by a qualified home inspector to determine overall condition. Chimney liners may be compromised and or contain vermin harborage, vegetation, cracks, deteriorated mortar joints or be out right missing. Although we recommend a chimney inspection for all chimney liners it is especially important to hire a home inspector to perform a chimney inspection if you have a wood burning fire place as oppose to gas. Loose ambers, high heat and a poor liner can create a fire hazard. Liner replacement can cost $4500- $6500 +/-. If the fireplace requires alterations, a bigger/longer liner the cost can increase significantly.
Check out our blog on different types of fireplaces.

Homes either have a public sewer or a septic system. If a septic system is present a septic inspection by a qualified home inspector is crucial. Septic system failures can lead to sewage backups and out right make the home not livable. A septic inspection will determine if the system can distribute the sewer waste sufficiently and the leach field is adequate and the soil properly takes the water or sewer waste properly. Replacing a septic system can be costly and consists of excavating the tank & the leech/drain field. Septic System replacement can cost $12,000 - $25,000 +/-.
Check out our septic Inspection blog to learn more about septic systems.

Pools are a beautiful accessory to a home and provides a lot of fun for family and friends. A pool inspection entails an inspection of the pool liner, pump and overall functionality of the components. Liner replacement itself can cost upwards of $4500 - $9,000 +/- depending on the size of pool and scope of the work. If the liner is in relatively good condition patch repairs may suffice. Pool pump replacement can range from $1500 - $2500 +/- If an inground pool is present it is recommended to have your home inspector perform a pool inspection.

Asbestos can be found in many building materials, including wall and ceiling coverings (like plaster and tiles), flooring, insulation (in attics, walls, plumbing lines, and HVAC ducts), concrete, and roof materials. Most older homes in or around Albany NY may have asbestos. If asbestos is left undisturbed typically there is no concern. Asbestos is hazardous when removing or disturbing. As a home owner you may run into complications during extensive remodeling as the removal/demolition of asbestos must be done by an asbestos abatement company or the home owner. The good news is many times the asbestos can be concealed and the removal of asbestos may not be needed. For example, you may be able to floor over asbestos flooring, sheet rock over asbestos wall or ceiling coverings and work around asbestos plumbing insulation with new lines.
If you have any questions about essential services for the home you are buying, please don’t hesitate to contact our office. I’d be happy to discuss any concerns you may have about home inspection services before you book an inspection. Feel free to reach out with any questions regarding the home inspection process.