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Shield Guard Home Inspections Performs Level 2 Chimney Inspections

Fireplace and Chimney Inspections

Local Home Inspectors | Albany NY

The Importance of Fireplace and Chimney Inspections:​

The chimney technician will look for defects within the chimney such as cracks, breaks, and splits, missing or deteriorated mortar joints, the firebox, glass/doors, screens, grate, lintel, smoke shelf, damper operation and condition, smoke chamber and more. A chimney inspection does not just entail the condition of the chimney liner. Your chimney inspector will look for nesting of critters, birds, foliage and other vermin that will block your chimney and may contribute to a fire hazard. Lighting a fire while a blockage from dry foliage and or other nesting materials is present creates a hazardous condition.


​Another major issue is the presence of creosote buildup. Creosote is a chemical compound that sticks to the inner walls of the chimney flue and is highly flammable. Professional grade cleaning equipment can clear your chimney flue of creosote, therefore, reducing a fire hazard. A chimney inspection will inform you of creosote buildup within your chimney walls.


Your chimney inspector will inspect the outside of the chimney as well. The inspection will include looking for defects such as: deteriorated mortar joints, deteriorated blocks or brick, the presence of a cap, evidence of water intrusion and signs of structural defects.

Finally, some home insurance companies will require a chimney inspection – you may want to call your local insurance provider to check if this is the case. Providing the chimney inspection paperwork may be crucial for insurance coverage.

Inspection Process:

  1. Exterior Chimney Inspection Includes:
    The inspector will visually inspect the exterior chimney chase for deficiencies. This includes deteriorated mortar joints, deteriorated block or brick, the presence of a cap, evidence of water intrusion and signs of structural defects.

  2. Interior Chimney Inspection Includes:
    cracks, breaks and splits, missing or deteriorated mortar joints, the firebox, glass/doors, screens, grate, lintel, smoke shelf, damper operation and condition, smoke chamber and more

  3. Report:
    After the chimney inspection is performed, a report will be emailed within 24 hours stating the defects discovered during the inspection.

Length Of Chimney Inspections

The Chimney Inspection is typically 30-60 minutes. Sometimes the chimney may not allow for our special camera to enter the flue. The chimney may contain bends and or angles that may restrict the use of our chimney camera. The inspector will try other safe means to obtain a video or pictures of the flue which may include smaller cameras and or requesting the seller to provide access to the main flue pipe.

When Should You Have Your Chimney Liner Inspected? 

Chimney inspections are one of the most essential systems to inspect. The chimney can pose a safety hazard. Additionally opting out of a chimney inspection can cost you thousands of dollars for replacement. As a buyer spending a significant amount of money on purchasing a new home, the condition of your chimney should be something that you are aware of prior to moving forward with the purchase.



Give us a call today to schedule a chimney inspection.


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A level 2 chimney inspection is the inspection and evaluation of the interior portion of the chimney aka the flue. Shield Guard Home Inspections provides you with a thorough level 2 chimney inspection. During a level 2 chimney inspection, the chimney inspector will inspect for cracks, displacement, deterioration, signs of leaks, and interior and exterior damage. Additionally, the technician the level of creosote buildup. Creosote buildup is the byproduct of burning wood. Creosote building up on the interior flue pipe can lead to a fire. It is recommended to have your chimney inspected once a year.


Give us a call today to schedule a level 2 chimney inspection. We are able to perform the inspection during your home inspection. 518-649-9111

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Shield Guard Home Inspections LLC
45 Parkwood St | Albany, NY 12208 |

(518) 649-9111

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